A few precautions and some common sense will keep you safe!
Yes, we know the Covid-19 virus must be taken seriously, but that doesn’t mean you have to panick and stay put. Getting the best information from reliable sources and the authorities is the best way to keep the risk of contagion at bay when leaving home.
Follow these 5 steps when planning your next trip while Covid-19 is still around:
- Check regulary, including the date of your departure, for a travel advisory issued by the Canadian government advising to avoid « non-essential travel » to any of your destinations : https://travel.gc.ca/travelling/advisories
- Consult with your doctor or health professional about the specific risks travel entails for you. People with respiratory conditions (asthma, allergies, etc.) or with certain pre-existing medical conditions are at higher risk of contagion than other groups. The Canadian government has issued a series of travel recommendations you can find here: https://www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/latest-travel-health-advice.html
- Contact your common carrier -airline, cruise line, bus, etc.-, and ask what are the refund options (trip credits, administration fees or other) as well as the penalties for cancelling your trip or changing your travel date due to Covid-19. Some airlines will offer one-year credits to use later and other carriers might charge just an administration fee to change your departure or return date.
- Follow local news at your destination for any updates on the risk of contagion and other recommendations to visitors. If you are planning to attend an event (conference, show, business meeting, etc.) contact the organiser as soon as possible to get information on their cancelation policy due to Covid-19 and on applicable penalties.
- Get advice from a travel insurance expert to get the best protection for your specific case. Visit our page wekti.ca for more information about travel insurance or to get a quote. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions, our experts will be more than happy to assist you!